Different fees are collected on specific transactions. A fee is applied on the initial token sale by the landowner or on the proceeds received through contributions. The fee is paid in EUR and is automatically deducted by Single.Earth. Also, the corporate contributors must pay a fee to Single.Earth.
- 10% fee is added when buying the contribution product (ESG). (subject to VAT if applicable)
- 10% fee is deducted from Landowner payouts when paying for their sold tokens. (The 10% includes VAT if applicable)
- In the initial launch phase, there is no service charge added when buying MERITs.
Read more about fees in General Terms of Service.
What about the taxes?
The taxes depend on whether you operate as a private individual or a legal entity.
- As a private individual, you have to pay income tax according to your local tax laws. Additional taxes may be applied depending on your local tax laws.
- As a legal entity, taxes also depend on whether you are a value-added tax (VAT) liable person or not. The sale of MERITs can be subject to be applied with additional local VAT. This is dependent on the tax authority. Some tax authorities may deem selling MERITs as rendering a service. Please consult with your tax consultant or tax authority to clarify.