What is ESG reporting?

ESG reporting means a company disclosing its environmental, social & governance (ESG) data for transparency. Many companies disclose their sustainability data voluntarily following various reporting standards and frameworks, such as GRI and SASB to meet investor and consumer demands and to create a competitive edge. Sustainability reporting is mandatory for many financial market participants and large and listed companies around the world. Such non-financial reporting is gaining real momentum. For instance, in the EU, the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive will expand the existing requirements to cover over 50,000 listed and large companies and will introduce stricter standards in line with the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities and require third-party auditing, as of 2023. Similar rules will expand to the EU small and medium-sized listed enterprises as of 2027.

How does Single.Earth help you do it?

By contributing to the protection of forests likely threatened by destruction or conversion via Single.Earth, a company can contribute to its environmental and climate goals through nature-based solutions and expand its portfolio of climate action beyond net-zero goals and offsetting solutions. Supporting the preservation of biodiverse forests is the most cost-effective, scalable, and immediate solution to the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Once I contribute, how can we report on this?

We issue a Contribution Certificate for every company that makes a nature-positive contribution through Single.Earth towards achieving the Sustainable development Goal (SDG) 15 Life on land: protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss. In addition, we stress that it is very important that you clearly understand what our Assessment is about and what is achieved by your contribution. For the avoidance of doubt, your contribution is not to be used for offsetting greenhouse gas emissions and should not be reported, advertised, or promoted as such. You may only claim to have achieved what is explicitly written on the Contribution Certificate.

How can I make a contribution?

As a Contributor, you can make a monetary payment to the account of Single.Earth. On the Platform, you may freely choose the amount you want to contribute, provided, however, that we may set a minimum amount of a contribution or limit the amount that can be contributed. After you have confirmed the amount, you will be sent an invoice with our bank account details and the payment deadline for executing the payment. The contribution amount must reach our account in euros. The amount credited to our bank account will be deemed as your payment to us (i.e. less any transfer fees and costs, if any). You may choose to make several contributions over time.

How Do We Use the Contribution?

The aim of your nature-positive contribution is to reward the owners and managers of ecosystems for the services these ecosystems provide to us all and, consequently, contribute to the preservation of these ecosystems. Such ecosystems can be located anywhere all around the world, provided, however, that the Landowners being rewarded must be our registered Users and we must be able to carry out the Assessment on such lands.

Are there any fees I should be aware of?

10% fee is added when buying the contribution product (ESG). (subject to VAT if applicable).